

1Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) What are the main variables that influence the dynamics of Ecuador’s sovereign risk?  
2Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Celebrity shareholders and corporate risk: Based on empirical evidence gathered from Chinese companies listed on the New Third Board  
3Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) The impact of active and passive investment on market efficiency: a simulation study  
4Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Analysing time-different connectedness among systemic financial markets during the financial crisis and conventional era: new evidence from the VARX-DCC-MEGARCH model  
5Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Welfare implications of overlapping ownership with endogenous quality  
6Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) An empirical analysis of e-cigarette addiction  
7Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Effects of maternity on labour outcomes and employment quality for women in Chile  
8Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Technical efficiency of U.S. Western Great Plains wheat farms using stochastic frontier analysis
9Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Functional coefficient quantile regression model with time-varying loadings
10Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Living in darkness: rural poverty in Venezuela
11Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Does financial deleveraging affect governments’ desirability of privatization? Evidence from the Chinese listed local SOEs
12Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Legacy of the Czar: Complementarity between education and work in Russia  
13Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) The dynamic of discriminatory reform: how does discretionary pricing neutralize the productivity gains of energy subsidy reform in Iran?  
14Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Forecasting 2030 CO2 reduction targets for Russia as a major emitter using different estimation scenarios
15Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Climbing the ladders of job satisfaction and employee organizational commitment: cross-country evidence using a semi-nonparametric approach
16Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) How to deal with missing observations in surveys of professional forecasters  
17Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) How much should we trust R2 and adjusted R2: evidence from regressions in top economics journals and Monte Carlo simulations
18Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Bank performance during the COVID-19 pandemic: does income diversification help?  
19Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) World uncertainty and national fiscal balances
20Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) The role of institutions in the corporate debt-productivity relationship: evidence from listed firms in China  
21Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Suicide and the economy: a regional analysis of italy  
22Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) School quality and labor market earnings: some new results on an old debate    
23Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Gender wage and productivity gaps in the Ethiopian manufacturing sector  
24Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) Private investment and public stimulus: a bargaining model    
25Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2023) What drives income inequality? Bayesian evidence from the emerging market economies  
26Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Examining the impact of income diversification on bank performance: Are foreign banks heterogeneous?    
27Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Gender implicit bias and glass ceiling effects    
28Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Is physician location sensitive to changes in patients’ financial responsibility?  
29Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Under the same roof? The Green Belt and Road Initiative and firms’ heterogeneous responses  
30Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Exploring herding behavior in an innovative-oriented stock market: evidence from ChiNext  
31Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Uncertainty and firms’ labour decisions. Evidence from European countries  
32Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) The effects of contract-type mismatch and matching frictions on unemployment duration: evidence for Portugal    
33Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Corporate value and trade-credit policies: evidence from China  
34Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Human capital and firms’ markup: evidence from China  
35Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) On the economics of CO2 contracts in the enhanced oil recovery industry  
36Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) The effect of international visitors on poverty alleviation in Mexico: an approach from the misery index  
37Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Money demand under a fixed exchange rate regime: the case of Saudi Arabia  
38Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Impact of mixed ownership reforms on firm innovation–empirical evidence from China  
39Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Do psychopathic traits predict criminal activity?  
40Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Should I stay or should I go? migration intentions of teenagers with parents working abroad  
41Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Advances in estimating the Phillips curve  
42Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Price response of the high fructose corn syrup industry in the United States: a Bertrand model application  
43Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Does family life cycle influence farm households’ adoption decisions concerning sustainable agricultural technology?  
44Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Capital flows, EU integration and the global financial crisis: an empirical analysis  
45Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Dampen macroeconomic volatility: a useful role of capital controls on international trade  
46Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Role of bank competition in determining liquidity creation: evidence from GCC countries  
47Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Optimising policies to achieve agricultural transformation objectives: an application for Ethiopia  
48Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) An economic approach to marriage  
49Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Exchange rate pass-through to domestic inflation in a pricing model incorporating distribution chain structure  
50Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Income elasticity of demand for tanning bed usage: evidence from survey data  
51Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Dynamic forecasting of banking crises with a Qual VAR  
52Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) The interrelationships between bank risk and charter value in ASIAN-5  
53Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Corporate social responsibility and trade credit during periods of monetary contraction  
54Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Investment in children’s higher education and household asset allocation in China  
55Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Do non-performing loans matter for bank lending and the business cycle in euro area countries?  
56Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Impact of trade policy uncertainty on export products quality: new evidence by considering the role of social capital  
57Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Capital flows, EU integration and the global financial crisis: an empirical analysis  
58Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) The effects of contract-type mismatch and matching frictions on unemployment duration: evidence for Portugal  
59Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Does bitcoin hedge against the economic policy uncertainty: based on the continuous wavelet analysis  
60Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Can high-speed train improve the innovation ability of enterprises?    
61Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Financial constraint and output pricing: the case of international sanctions against Iran  
62Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Exchange rate pass-through to domestic inflation in a pricing model incorporating distribution chain structure    
63Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Advances in estimating the Phillips curve  
64Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Price response of the high fructose corn syrup industry in the United States: a Bertrand model application  
65Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) CEO confidence bias and strategic choice: a general framework  
66Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Investment in children’s higher education and household asset allocation in China  
67Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Corporate social responsibility and trade credit during periods of monetary contraction  
68Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Intraday Bitcoin price shocks: when bad news is good news    
69Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) in Post-Privatization: Evidence from Pakistan  
70Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Do non-performing loans matter for bank lending and the business cycle in euro area countries?    
71Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Influences of various pricing points: an experimental study of plastic bags in Johannesburg, South Africa  
72Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Exports and long-run growth: The case of Spain, 1850-2020    
73Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Do individuals have consistent risk preferences across domains?: evidence from the Japanese insurance market  
74Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) How to become a cashless economy and what are the determinants of eliminating cash    
75Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Value-at-risk in the presence of asset price bubbles  
76Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Modelling time and frequency connectedness among energy, agricultural raw materials and food markets  
77Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Model definitions to identify appropriate benchmarks in judiciary  
78Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) The impact of the Public Pension Program on the elderly’s medical expenditures: a regression discontinuity approach    
79Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Effect of ride sharing on air quality: evidence from Shenzhen, China
80Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Social networks and household financial decisions: evidence from China  
81Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Prediction and analysis of residential house price using a flexible spatiotemporal model  
82Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Land defragmentation in China: does rental transaction inside acquaintance networks matter?    
83Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Life cycle, financial frictions and informal labor markets: the case of Chile  
84Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) The intertemporal connection between preschool delay of gratification and later academic performance in primary schools: evidence from China    
85Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Asymmetric information, credential assessment services and earnings of new immigrants  
86Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Common and idiosyncratic components of Latin American business cycles connectedness    
87Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Asymmetric information, credential assessment services and earnings of new immigrants  
88Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) The effect of oil price fluctuation on the economy: what can we learn from alternative models?  
89Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Impact of trade policy uncertainty on export products quality: new evidence by considering role of social capital  
90Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Does bitcoin hedge against the economic policy uncertainty: based on the continuous wavelet analysis    
91Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) The impacts of armed conflicts on prenatal and delivery care utilization  
92Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Market integration and price transmission in the regional grain markets in Ethiopia    
93Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Does intellectual property protection stimulate digital economy development?  
94Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) Testing the superstar firm hypothesis    
95Journal of Applied Economics (Dec 2022) What drives risk in China’s soybean futures market? Evidence from a flexible GARCH-MIDAS model  
96Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Money and inflation in inflation-targeting regimes – new evidence from time–frequency analysis    
97Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) The deterrence effect of linear versus convex fines: laboratory evidence  
98Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) The key to system performance lies in implementation: empirical evidence from labor dispute data of Shanghai from 1918 to 1940    
99Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Corporate board gender diversity and ethnic ownership of U.S. banks  
100Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Financial friction, resource misallocation and total factor productivity: theory and evidence from China    
101Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) The frequency of one-day abnormal returns and price fluctuations in the forex  
102Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) An assessment of the relationship between sweetener prices and high fructose corn syrup deliveries in the United States    
103Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Threshold effect or spatial spillover? The impact of agricultural mechanization on grain production  
104Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Durable goods with secondary markets    
105Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Durable goods with secondary markets  
106Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Does the Porter hypothesis hold in China? Evidence from the low-carbon city pilot policy    
107Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) 20 years of economic corridors development: a bibliometric analysis  
108Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Economics of capital adjustment in the US commercial banks: empirical analysis  
109Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Habit persistence in tourist sub-industries  
110Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Corporate disclosure and credit market development  
111Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) The shapley value of age-period-cohort effects
112Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Multilevel analysis of entrepreneurial intention of engineering graduating students in Ethiopia
113Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Global economic policy uncertainty and stock volatility: evidence from emerging economies
114Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Farm Households’ Demand Response to Escalating Food Prices in Nigeria
115Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Do Transparency and Anti-Monopoly Policies Matter for Financial Development? Evidence from a Panel ARDL-PMG Approach
116Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Working capital and R&D smoothing: evidence from the Tel Aviv stock exchange
117Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Sub-national economic effects of the resources sector in Chile
118Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) The influence of mandatory adoption of IFRS in Argentina on value relevance of accounting information
119Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) The effects of airline choice on accommodation type and length of stay: evidence of an island’s region
120Journal of Applied Economics (Jan 2021) Strategic co-funding in informal finance market: evidence from China  


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