School Welcome to the University on the Niger
Campus Life A place for Teaching, Learning and Leisure
Class Rooms Our Classes are superb for learning and impartation
Our Motto: Lux Fiat Via Sapietia

POEM By: The Very Rev. Prof. Chinedu Nebo (The First VC) and The Rt. Rev. Owen Nwokolo PhD. (Bishop on the Niger)
MUSIC by Prof. Sir. Sam Ojukwu

University on the Niger, a citadel of learning
Founded for the mastery of truth and knowledge.
To show the way of wisdom, experience and excellence.
In character, leadership and service.

University on the Niger, march on with zeal in the Lord’s grace.
Shatter the yoke of darkness and ignorance
In godly boldness and rectitude

Show the Light ! Lux Fiat!
Show the Light through Knowledge and Truth
Lux Fiat Via Sapientia

The vision of University on the Niger, Umunya is

“to be a leading tertiary institution in the achievement of excellence in knowledge dissemination, character building and leadership for the production of entrepreneurial and globally competitive graduates for national development..”

The vision statements provide a focal point that helps to align everyone with the organization, thus ensuring that everyone is working towards a single purpose. This helps to increase efficiency and productivity in the organization.

The mission of University on the Niger, Umunya is

“to develop the moral, spiritual and academic life of young people and to produce graduates who will be leaders, job creators and nation builders.”

The philosophy of the University is the desire to provide, promote and enhance qualitative education with godliness in Nigeria for the production of skilful, entrepreneurial and globally competitive graduates who will make impact in the resolution of societal problems.

The objectives of the University include to:

  1. Encourage the advancement of learning and to hold out to all persons without distinction of race, creed, sex or political conviction the opportunity of acquiring higher education with sound morals;
  2. Produce highly skilled, entrepreneurial and well-rounded graduates that will be useful to industries, commercial ventures and government agencies soon after their graduation as well as capable of establishing their own businesses thereby becoming employers of labour rather than job seekers;
  • Create a stimulating and challenging academic environment, provide requisite facilities for the pursuit of effective teaching, learning, research and the acquisition of tertiary education as are appropriate for a University of the highest standing as well as make those facilities available on proper terms to such persons as are equipped to benefit from use of the facilities;
  1. Advance scholarship, knowledge, research and professionalism; and to promote through research and other means the advancement of knowledge and its practical application to social, moral, cultural, economic, scientific and technological problems in relevant fields of learning;
  2. Promote excellence in science and technology to meet the challenges of the global village;
  3. Inculcate creative and innovative values as well as entrepreneurial capacities in students and foster in them an orientation consistent with the philosophy of the university of producing disciplined, upright, morally sound and ethically cultured patriotic men and women so as to make them more relevant to the national development process thereby ushering in the new Nigeria of our collective dream;
  • Complement the efforts of Government in generating employment opportunities for Nigerians and creating a corruption free society; and
  • Undertake any other activities appropriate for a University all over the world.
  • 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Onitsha Campus
2023/2024 Student Admission

Studying at University on the Niger


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For admission enquiries, go to the University on the Niger Teaching Hospital, Iyienu